Australian theses

How to find original Australian research in Trove
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Researchers at universities around Australia produce world-leading research in pursuit of new knowledge and educational qualifications. These theses, long essays or dissertations involving personal research, are shared with Trove by our partner universities. Some of them are in print form only, some are available online in digital format. Here’s how you can search for them in Trove.

Screenshot of Categories drop-down next to the search button

How can I browse recently produced theses?

  1. Go to the Trove homepage and type your keyword into the search box
  2. Open the Categories drop-down and choose Research and Reports
  3. Select the green search button
  4. Select the ‘Thesis’ filter on the right-hand side of the screen
  5. Change the ‘Sort by’ option to Date (latest first) to view the most recently published theses.

Screenshot of Research and reports results screen with thesis filter chosen

How can I browse recent Australian theses?

Trove has rules under the hood that identify the Australian-ness of a thesis.

  1. Go to the Trove homepage 
  2. Select Advanced search and choose ‘Research and reports’
  3. Type your keyword into the first box
  4. Scroll down until you see Australian content and tick that box
  5. Select the green search button
  6. Change the ‘Sort by’ option to Date (latest first) to view the most recently Australian published theses.

Screenshot of Advanced search drop-down under the search button

How can I do a more advanced, specific search for theses?

The advanced search form provides options to create a more specific search. We’ve introduced you to the Australian content option, but you can also narrow your search with these filters:

  • Place of publication
  • Year of publication
  • Access (freely available, not available online)
  • Format
  • Language
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language
  • Rights
  • Funder (Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council)

Screenshot of research and reports advanced search

How can I find a particular institution’s theses only?

The Research and Reports advanced search form also contains a field that helps you find theses held at specific organisations. 

  1. Go to the Trove homepage 
  2. Select Advanced search and choose ‘Research and reports’
  3. Type your keyword into the first box
  4. Scroll down until you see Organisations
  5. Select the box and begin to type the name of the university 
  6. When the organisation you want turns green select it.
  7. Then select the green search button

Screenshot of Organisation selector in advanced search