Text correct recipes and cook books

Help us text correct recipes in books, magazines and newspapers




On Trove

This month, we're calling on volunteers to text correct recipes in books, magazines and newspapers.

Cook (and text correct) our books

Looking for that delicious recipe your family always talks about? Over 50 classic cookbooks have been newly added to Trove thanks to the Australian Ethical Food Group. Explore these amazing books online and try your hand at text correcting them.

To get started:

Learn how to text correct and read our frequently asked questions.

Bake my day

The contributions of the Trove community are a crucial part of what makes Trove so special. There are a few ways to contribute as a Voluntrove, but one of the best ways is text correcting. By text correcting the transcripts of digitised material, volunteers help improve Trove's search results.

For the best experience, we recommend searching for material relating to topics that interest you, like your hobbies. You will get to explore a topic you love, while making it more discoverable in Trove. It’s a win/win and even correcting just one article is helpful.

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