

If you’re new to Trove, or just looking for some advice, you might find the following helpful: 





See the main menu and links for support in the following areas: 

  • Categories - An overview of each of Trove’s search categories and what sorts of items you’ll find in them. 
  • Searching - Our guides to basic through to advanced search strategies in Trove. 
  • Navigating - How to make sense of item records, plus guides to tools for viewing/reading/listening to items online in Trove. 
  • Using Trove - Advice on borrowing, downloading, getting copies, citations, copyright information and more. 
  • Become a Voluntrove - Learn about ways you can contribute to Trove, improve search results, save your favourite items and be part of a like-minded community. 
  • Your Trove account - Setting up and getting around your Trove account. 

Whether you're a first-time visitor or a long-time fan, we hope this will help you get the most out of Trove.