Ironclad Sisterhood

A new collaborative research project focused upon reimagining the lives of convict women in New South Wales

The Society of Australian Genealogists (SAG), a Partner of Trove, have launched a collaborative research project focused upon reimagining the lives of convict women in New South Wales.  

The team behind Ironclad Sisterhood hopes to further the understanding of convict women via contemporary digital tools including AI-generated portraits to build a searchable database of convict women filled with biographical details pulled from multiple different sources including Trove!

They have also started a ear-catching Podcast talking about the project and the intriguing and often overlooked lives of female convicts. 

Alexandra Mountain, Archives Manager at the Society of Australian Genealogists spoke about the project saying how:

[we] are constantly amazed and moved by the individual experiences we have uncovered as part of our research for Ironclad Sisterhood. The stories of convict women deserve to be told, and we are excited to be a part of the movement to uncover and reimagine convict women's lives.

You can find out more about the project, listen to the Podcast, explore the lives of convict women and even get involved at: